Voting information
Voting on geograph is an experimental feature. No promises we will use this data, however we hope that it be useful in some way.
A few points:
- Voting is totally anonymous, and the data will never be used in any identifiable way. This includes letting others know you have voted at all.
- However voting is recorded against your account, to help eliminate duplicates.
- Only your last vote for a particular item will count.
- The 'average' is 3 - which is effectively the same as no vote at all.
- Note, you should approach voting with the aim to promote the good stuff, rather than root out and penalize the lower end of the scale.
- Similarly we will not use the data to highlight the lower end of the scale. I.e. we are more likely to take note of 4 and 5 star votes, and basically ignore 1 and 2 star votes.
- Your vote should always be personal, even if that is subjective, rather than what you think the majority would be.