Geograph Database Statistics
Note: that stats on this page are only approximate,
as they represent total entries in each database table,
but some/many entries might not be actually usable on the site!
This website has:
- 386.169 Known 1x1km Grid Squares (365.929 on land)
- 684 Registered Users (10 active in last 30 days)
Users of the site have contributed:
- 253.673 Photographs (254.010 including ones not available)
- by 225 different users
- making 220 complete hectads
- 1.816 Forum Posts (in 462 topics, of which 18 are grid square discussions)
- by 52 different users
- with 61.647 total topic page views
- featuring 3.546 thumbnails
- 17.089 Change Requests (22.753 individual changes)
- by 149 different users (57 excluding tickets on own images)
- 6 articles
Additionally the site knows about:
- 120 Known 100x100km Grid Squares (74 on land)
- 503.282 searches preformed
- by 346 different users
- 135 visitors in the last 24 minutes
- 6 sites using the Geograph API
- 0 historic counties
- 0 ceremonial counties
- 0 modern administrative areas
- 0 sector level postcodes
- 0 gazetteer features (0 types)
- of which 0 are placenames
- 0 v2 gazetteer placenames (unused!)
- 0 wikipedia placenames for map plotting
- 12.300 important towns for map plotting
- 0 GB gazetter features (0 types)
Files Generated: (each accessed many times)
- 422.887 rendered map tiles
- 73.988 rendered superlayer tiles
- 196.241 different syndicated feeds
- 0 different Memory-Map feeds
- 0 page templates (made of 254 components)
- 73.988 static sitemap files