the Geograph Team
Name | Nickname | Role | Profile/Contact |
Hansjörg Lipp | hjlipp | Developer | Profile/Contact |
Stephen Hocker | stephen | Moderator | Profile/Contact |
Christian Lipp-Thatsuphan | Lippi | Moderator | Profile/Contact |
Sebastian und Kari | Geogfanatic | Moderator | Profile/Contact |
J Meißner | jmsanta | Moderator | Profile/Contact |
Ulrich Meier | Uli | Moderator | Profile/Contact |
Paul L | p1230 | Moderator | Profile/Contact |
Schlosser67 | Schlosser67 | Moderator | Profile/Contact |
Christian K | Christian | Moderator | Profile/Contact |
The following members have also helped out in various capacities previouslly...
Name | Nickname | Profile/Contact |
... see also the Contributor Credits and Website Credits