Geograph or supplemental

Creative Commons Licence [Some Rights Reserved]   Text © Copyright Januar 2010, Hansjörg Lipp; licensed for reuse under a Creative Commons Licence.
Images also under a similar Creative Commons licence.

This article is incomplete. It will become the English version of Geobild und ExtrabildExternal link which documents the current state of the ongoing discussions. Some details might still change! I'd also appreciate a native speaker's help with translation.

Why do we separate geographs and supplementals?

As our aim is documenting Germany's geography, the following thoughts give a good hint, which conditions images must fulfil:

For images not satisfying these criteria, we don't award points, to still provide an incentive for other people to visit the square and take an image according to these rules. On the other hand, high quality images providing some geographical information but not satisfying the strict criteria are still very welcome. Therefore, moderators classify images as geographs (satisfy the criteria) or supplementals (don't satisfy the criteria, no points possible).

As these rules were developing over the first months of the project, it is possible that some older images are not yet classified correctly, which will be corrected by remoderating older images.

What criteria make an image a geograph?

Moderation in case of doubt

For some of these criteria, the lines between geograph and supplemental are blurred, and there will always images that cannot be classified easily. If there are only few arguments for the classification supplemental, moderators tend towards geograph if the submission is of high quality. Especially informative descriptions are highly appreciated.

If an image could be geograph for some subject, but not for the main subject the submitter specified (title, description, category), the image is still considered as geograph if the other subject is located in the same square and if the main subject specified is not totally absurd.


Mobile subjects

UMU1412 : Dorfstrasse Tram Terminus, Guenterstal, Freiburg von Dr Neil Clifton
GEOBILD: Dieses Bild wäre alleine für die Umgebung schon ein Geobild; auch das 'Überdecken' der Bahn würde das Bild also nicht zu einem Extrabild verändern.

UMU5767 : Freudenstadt Hbf von Dr Neil Clifton
Gerade noch EXTRABILD

Small subjects

ULA1170 : Tranchot-Stein von Colin Smith
Gerade noch EXTRABILD

Geograph for another subject

UVS1865 : Dresden - Langebrück (Dresden -  Langebrueck) von Udo und Joan Fugel
GEOBILD: Kategorie und Beschreibung zufolge ist die stark verdeckte Kirche das Hauptmotiv. Andererseits wäre das Bild für das Motiv 'Kirchstraße vor der Kirche' ein Geobild.

UMU1416 : Schwabentor, Freiburg von Dr Neil Clifton
GEOBILD: Das Schwabentor ist zwar zu stark verdeckt, aber mit gedachtem Titel 'Der Schwabentorring vor dem Schwabentor' wäre das Bild auf jeden Fall ein Geobild.



UUU9019 : Peace - Hope - Love von Sebastian und Kari
Gerade noch EXTRABILD

Image quality

UNC1472 : Junction of Posteholzer Str. and Wahrendahler Str. von nick smith
Gerade noch GEOBILD, aber schon sehr schräg.

UPU2698 : Wörnitztal bei Huttenbach (Wörnitztal near Huttenbach) von tiba
Gerade noch GEOBILD trotz Bewegungsunschärfe im Vordergrund, da ein noch ausreichender Teil des Bilds scharf ist?

Partial buildings

UNB4057 : Fuldabrücke (ICE) bei Binsförth von Udo und Joan Fugel
Gerade noch GEOBILD, da die Brücke sehr lang ist und über die Hälfte zu sehen ist?

Images taken at night

UMV5428 : Straßenbahnhaltestelle Sopienstraße von Harald Kucharek
SUPPLEMENTAL only because of the blurred parts.

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