Historische Bauten - Historic Buildings
started by Oxfordian Kissuth, with 55 posts, 74 images and viewed 5811 times.
Stadttore - City Gates
started by Colin Smith, with 22 posts, 84 images and viewed 4214 times.
Im Wandel der Zeit
started by Hansjörg Lipp, with 25 posts, 86 images and viewed 3458 times.
UNESCO-Welterbestätten / World Heritage Sites
started by Colin Smith, with 52 posts, 372 images and viewed 3144 times.
Berliner Mauerweg - Berlin Wall Way - Between Former West Berlin and East Germany [DDR]
started by Colin Smith, with 7 posts, 318 images and viewed 2553 times.
Königliche Schlösser und Gärten - Berlin und Brandenburg
started by Colin Smith, with 27 posts, 148 images and viewed 2426 times.
Berliner Mauerweg - Berlin Wall Way
started by Colin Smith, with 9 posts, 240 images and viewed 2359 times.
started by Paul L, with 17 posts, 92 images and viewed 2108 times.
started by Oxfordian Kissuth, with 13 posts, 14 images and viewed 2105 times.
Dorfformen - Land Brandenburg / Village Forms in Brandenburg State
started by Colin Smith, with 6 posts, 22 images and viewed 1843 times.
Kuriose Ortsnamen
started by Colin Smith, with 26 posts, 80 images and viewed 1684 times.
Karl Friedrich Schinkel - Bauten / Buildings
started by Colin Smith, with 13 posts, 73 images and viewed 1661 times.
Residenzstädte (German Residency Towns and Cities)
started by Colin Smith, with 39 posts, 368 images and viewed 1625 times.
Dorfformen - Land Berlin / Village Forms in Berlin State
started by Colin Smith, with 3 posts, 10 images and viewed 1476 times.
Großstadt-Berlin - ein Meer von Dörfern / Berlin City - a Sea of Villages
started by Colin Smith, with 27 posts, 378 images and viewed 1339 times.
Bismarcktürme / Bismarck Towers
started by Colin Smith, with 12 posts, 52 images and viewed 1309 times.
Städte mit Straßenbahnen / Towns and Cities with Tram Networks
started by Colin Smith, with 15 posts, 260 images and viewed 1292 times.
Beethoven 250
started by Colin Smith, with 8 posts, 19 images and viewed 709 times.
Eine etwas andere Berlin-Runde
started by JanMartin, with 1 posts, 20 images and viewed 690 times.
Von St Pauli nach Veddel durch den Hamburger Hafen
started by Rudi Winter.
Hamburger Hafen: eine Wanderung vom Ausgangspunkt Landungsbrücken, St Pauli
Insel Neuwerk per Wattwagen, zu Fuss und mit dem Schiff
started by Rudi Winter.
Neuwerk: eine Wanderung vom Ausgangspunkt Sahlenburg
Im Quellgebiet der Bigge
started by Rudi Winter.
Biggequelle: eine Wanderung vom Ausgangspunkt Rothemühle
Die neugebaute Öhringhauser Brücke von oben, unten und beiden Seiten
started by Rudi Winter.
Öhringhausen: eine Wanderung vom Ausgangspunkt Hüppcherhammer
An der Ruhr/Sieg-Wasserscheide
started by Rudi Winter.
Volmequelle: eine Wanderung vom Ausgangspunkt Evangelischer Friedhof, Meinerzhagen
An der mittleren Wupper zur Sengbachstaumauer und nach Schloss Burg
started by Rudi Winter.
Glüder: eine Wanderung vom Ausgangspunkt Wanderparkplatz Angerscheid